MongoDB:- Industry Use-case

Vikash kaushik
5 min readSep 14, 2021


👉 Hello readers, So in this blog we will see the use-cases of Mongodb. like Why industry uses this and what are the advantage to use this database etc.

💠 DataBase:-

Databases can store very large numbers of records efficiently (they take up little space). It is very quick and easy to find information . It is easy to add new data and to edit or delete old data. Data can be searched easily.

Database image

⏪ Why do we need database in companies

we need database because A database is typically designed so that it is easy to store and access information. … A good database is crucial to any company or organization. This is because the database stores all the pertinent details about the company such as employee records, transactional records, salary details etc.

🔷 Type of Databases

Types of Database

There are various types of databases used for storing different varieties of data:

  • 1) Centralized Database. …
  • 2) Distributed Database. …
  • 3) Relational Database. …
  • 4) NoSQL Database. …
  • 5) Cloud Database. …
  • 6) Object-oriented Databases. …
  • 7) Hierarchical Databases. …
  • 8) Network Databases.
  • 9) Personal Database. …
  • 10) Operational Database. …
  • 11) Enterprise Database.

🛢So In this blog we are talking about One Of NoSQL DB called MongoDB.


MongoDB is one of the most popular open-source NoSQL database written in C++. As of February 2015, MongoDB is the fourth most popular database management system. It was developed by a company 10gen which is now known as MongoDB Inc.

MongoDB is an object-oriented, simple, dynamic, and scalable NoSQL database. It is based on the NoSQL document store model. The data objects are stored as separate documents inside a collection — instead of storing the data into the columns and rows of a traditional relational database.

🤔 Why should we use MongoDB

Since, MongoDB is a NoSQL database, so we need to understand when and why we need to use this type of database in the real-life applications. Since in normal circumstances, MongoDB always preferred by the developers or project managers when our main concern is the deal with large volume of data with a high performance. If we want to insert thousands of records in a second, then MongoDB is the best choice for that. Also, horizontal scaling (adding new columns) is not so easy process in any RDBMS systems. But in case of MongoDB, it is very much easy since it is a schema less database. Also, this type of work can be directly handled by the application automatically. There is no need to any type of administrative work for perform any type of horizontal scaling in the MongoDB. MongoDB is good for the below types of situations :

  • E-Commerce type of product-based applications
  • Blog and Content Management systems
  • High Speed logging, caching etc in the Real time
  • Need to maintain location wise Geospatial data
  • For maintains data related to the Social and Networking types
  • If application is a loosely coupled mechanism — means design may change at any point of time.

📘 MongoDB Advantages

Since, MongoDB is not only database which can perform only CRUD (Create, Read, Update & Delete) operations with the data. Except these, MongoDB also contains so many important features due which MongoDB become the most popular database in the NoSQL category. Some of the important features are :

  1. MongoDB is a Schema less document type database.
  2. MongoDB support field, range based query, regular expression or regex etc for searching the data from the stored data.
  3. MongoDB is very easy to scale up or down.
  4. MongoDB basically uses internal memory for storing the working temporary datasets for which it is much faster.
  5. MongoDB support primary and secondary index on any fields.
  6. MongoDB supports replication of database.
  7. We can perform load balancing in the MongoDB by using Sharding. It scales the database horizontally by using Sharding.
  8. MongoDB support field, range based query, regular expression or regex etc for searching the data from the stored data.
  9. MongoDB is very easy to scale up or down.
  10. MongoDB provides the different ways to perform aggregation operations on the data like aggregation pipeline, map reduce or single objective aggregation commands.
  11. MongoDB can store any type of file which can be any size without effecting our stack
  12. MongoDB basically use JavaScript objects in place of procedure.
  13. MongoDB support special collection type like TTL (Time-To-Live) for data storage which expire at a certain time
  14. The dynamic database schema used in MongoDB is called the BSON

🚩 How KPMG’s uses MongoDB

MongoDB is the database powering the Loop accounting suite, used by KPMG’s 4,800 CPAs. The suite is also currently used in collaboration with around 2,000 of KPMG’s customers. We are expecting more than 20,000 customers to adopt Loop’s collaborative accounting within the next 18 months.

⭕ How use of MongoDB impacted KPMG’s business

From KPMG’s side:-

We estimate that by selecting MongoDB for the accounting suite we achieved at least a 50% faster time to market than using any other non-relational database. The tight integration with JavaScript, flexible data model, out-of-box performance and sophisticated management platform have all been key to enabling developer productivity and reducing operational costs.

The accounting suite’s financial benchmarking service is a highly innovative application that provides KPMG France with significant competitive advantage. We have access to a lot of customer information which becomes actionable with our data lake built on MongoDB. It allows us to store that data cost effectively, while supporting rich analytics to give insights that other accounting practices just can’t match.

🔰 So this is all MongoDB all about. I hope you all like it and if you have queries or suggestions you can comment or contact me.

😊 Thankyou,

